Integrity Commisioner experiment was a nice idea but………….

Finally my good friend Steve Berman has posted something, on his Enough is Enough blog, that is both readable and relevant here:
I apologize in advance Steve for the compliment laced with a pejorative smack upside the head. But this blogger and others, have found your meanderings a little challenging of late. The post that I linked above is very good and up to your old standard. Keep it up the town needs “this” Steve.

I have some comments and responses though:

1. We all know what the motive behind this Integrity Commissioner nonsense is. It is based on the old saying “If you throw enough shit at something, some of it is likely to stick”.

2. It’s time to abandon ship on this Integrity Commissioner experiment, it is too costly and too open to abuse by Chadwick, Hill, Lloyd and the people behind the scenes pulling their strings.

3. In a normal town with a normal political structure and environment, Integrity Commissioner oversight on its municipal governance is usually a once in a blue moon occurrence. It’s not supposed to be a political stick, to be used to beat your political opponent’s with on a monthly basis. That is exactly what is happening now.
4. As I said in my last blog post, we all know what conflict of interest looks like. We’ve seen it. It’s been happening in this town on many fronts, for many years, by all the usual suspects, on a regular basis.
5. Let’s get a local municipal political code of conduct in place, have all council members sign it and have sanctions in place that can be levied by town council when abuse occurs.

6. Chadwick, his puppeteer’s and his cohorts, are not interested in the betterment and advancement of this community. They are only interested in furthering there own agenda and keeping us mired in the past. The sooner the rest of us realise that fact, the sooner we will be able to move forward as a vibrant modern community.

7. Integrity Commissioner’s nor any other kind of political oversight will ever change #6. It will take people of character and substance to continue informing the uninformed and changing the conversation from one of petty brinkmanship, to one of a new brighter future for this town.

Rant over!!!